Sorry I haven't written in awhile. It's certainly not due to the lack of activity. If anything, it's been nearly impossible to get some freetime lately. This month has been very hectic. March started with problem with the old subaru. She finally decided to act her age. She is 145,000 miles old this month. While she waiting patiently for repairs at the curb of my house, I was in Alberta Canada. If you haven's seen the Candian Rockies, I highly reccomend it. And if you haven't seen Ft. McMurray, Alberta....be thankful.
No sooner had I returned from Canada, did I have to pack a fresh set of clothes and hop a flight to Maine. My quick 36 hr work trip turned out to be an 8 day family affair avec Rachel, my support group. I did get to hang with my sister quite a bit. I also spent time with my other sister, Tabatha, as we got a few minutes to see some old friends with their brewing babies on-board (all the ladies in the pic sporting brown).
I finally made it back to Oregon in time to help Eric finish the remodeling on the kitchen, plan and celebrate his birthday weekend in Bend, pay a few bills, do some laundry, fix the car, hit the slopes, plant a tree and create world peace.
Gone West. Love, Isolde.