It's hard to imagine that tomorrow begins our last month of 2008. So much has happened! We finally progressed enough to forget our racial differences to elect Barack Obama, we saw our economy go into high elert, gas prices fell over $3/gallon, and New Kids on the Block re-united. And that's not all!!!
This was also a record breaking year for me.
I helped remodel my new home...I moved in with my boyfriend and his son...I learned to dirtbike, mtn bike AND windsurf...I got out of debt...AND I got engaged. I saw the birth and passing of good friends and became the mother to a 14 year old boy. And let's not forget the travel! In 2008, I was in Dallas TX...Bozeman, Billings, and Missoula, MT 2 times...Anchorage and Sitka, AK...San Francisco, Sacramento, and San Diego, CA...Maine 3 times...Alberta and British Columbia, Canada several times...Maui, HI...Seattle, WA about 15 times...and of course, the Oregon coast. It's been a busy year for Izzy!!
Here is a slide show of some pics from this year. (Click on it for full view). I will try to make some predictions for 2009 towards the end of December. Enjoy!