Dear Maine,
As you know, my employer is based in your fine state. So I am very lucky that I get to see my family more often than I would if I was employed by a west-coast company. The challenge that I face is how to fit everything and everyBODY in during my trips to your state! I leave tomorrow for a total of 11 days. Within that time...I have 2 days of travel, 7 days of work, 2 days with the Felders, and every evening filled with dinners schmoozing with colleagues and reconnecting with old friends (my personal favorite). Since these days are typically long, jet-lagged, and calorie-filled, I have to get my workouts in early morning. No joke. My days are like 16hrs long. So to all my friends that I missed during this trip, please accept my sincerest apologies. You didn't make the cut this time. I'll try to schedule you in next time.