Tuesday, September 10, 2013

No more months left

No more giving her age in months anymore.  She's about to round the corner of TWO.  I don't care what people say, I love 2.  Not terrible.....yet.

Monday, August 26, 2013

1 week to create and 2 years late

Like all new parents, I was imagining my baby's nursery long before she was born.  All the cute little baby things and decorations.  However, I knew it would never happen.  We didn't have a bedroom for her.  Her big brother was occupying the only other room in the house.  Now, 2 years later, her big brother is off to college and I have an empty room, a blank canvas, and a precocious little girl about to turn TWO!  The wonderful thing about waiting until your child is older, is that I know her personality so well, I know what colors she loves, and what her favorite books are already.  This was ALL about her. 

It took me only one week to prep, paint, floor, and decorate.  I give credit to Eric for installing the carpet.  A few more touches of bookshelves and toy storage and it will be totally complete.  I absolutely LOVED making this room.   I also loved how excited she was to see it transform into her own space.  Josie calls it the "Yay-yo Room".  Today she gets to jump on her bed for the first time.  I will remember this always. 

Here are some before and after shots


Monday, August 5, 2013

Maine and then some

Every summer since I can remember, my family has spent their summer days on a lake in Maine. We started out just renting "camps" on varied lakes in central Maine, until my folks finally found their perfect lake cabin to purchase several years ago. Up until my daughter was born, it was just another camp in Maine to me. As grown-ups, we would go there to swim, eat lobsters, drink beer, and sit around swatting mosquitoes while our brains ceased to think about obligations for a few lovely days. Perhaps take in an occasional kayak ride or catching up on that book I kept meaning to read. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? I was completely BORED OUT OF MY MIND. Who was I kidding?! I hate sitting around and doing nothing. And I especially don't get my kicks from bored games (which there is no shortage of). I remember as a kid swimming until dark, eating large quantities of ice cream, creating adventures on and off the water, and sleeping on a squeaky old mattress that felt better than my bed at home. As a kid, the camp was a never-ending playground. How quickly it disappeared as adults.

BUT! This summer, it all came back. Just like holidays and birthdays, the Maine camp is all about the kids. My daughter is almost 2 and she got her first real taste of a Maine summer for an entire two weeks. Endless days of water, boating, beaches, exploring, and ice cream. THIS is the reason why the Maine camp is going to carry on for generations. All of the things that I remember....she will remember, too. If you haven't ever experienced life at a Maine camp with your kids, make it a must do. Just ask around and I guarantee you will find somebody who has a Maine camp with open doors for you. And don't forget to bring KIDS!

Here are few snippets from our trip. You can click HERE to view the entire album.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Gold Coast of Oregon

We headed to the south coast again in June.  Camping was rained out at the end, but we didn't care because it was great to see our Sioux Falls friends again. (Click on the photos for a bigger view or downloading)

Here's a cute video of Josie's favorite exclamations

Thursday, May 23, 2013

My daily narration

Little of my daily life goes by without commentary from my almost 2yr old.  The bathroom is especially her favorite place to give the blow-by-blow of what's going on.

Me: Josie, I have to go potty, I will be right back. (as I pull down pants and sit on toilet) 
Toddler: (runs into bathroom) Mommy go potty!  ooooOO.....haaaair (as she points to my crotch).
Me: (complete my pee)
Toddler: (hands shaking in the air frantically) ALL DONE! Mommy wipe JINA!  See Josie JINA?! Mommy jina, mommy jina, MOMMY JINA!!!! Josie pick up?? shut potty....wash hans....ALL DONE!
Me: Thank you, sweety.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What happened?!

All of a sudden it's summer.  I still have my basket of winter hats sitting by the front door and I don't know where the screens are for the windows.  When did this happen?!  Not to mention that Jace moved out (and doing awesome) and I am the newest member of city council.  More on that new adventure later.  It feels hectic all of a sudden.  My garden needs to be planted, spring cleaning is WAY overdue, I need to buy more sunscreen, and we are headed to Chicago to visit Felder's in less than 2 weeks. aaaghh!  Father Time, please slow down!  Fortunately, I got a good dose of beach time in April, which always makes me happy, since it will be a long time until my toes touch warm water again.  Josie was pretty thrilled, too.

Monday, March 4, 2013

There we go again

Yep.  We went there.  AGAIN.  You must be thinking, "those guys go there all.....the...time!"  Alas, we do.  Why?  Because we can.  Well, also because Eric works his butt off so we can spend time there.  Anyhoo, these photos are becoming less of Maui and more of Josie.  So this album is dedicated to the Grandparents.  Seriously....really...besides us, they are the ones who love seeing all these shots of little Josephine (who happens to be growing up too fast).  What a dang cutie.  Enjoy the show. 
Click on the slideshow to see it bigger or download to pics.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Shit hair peas

My darling little daughter is turning 1 1/2 in a couple weeks. As I reflect back on what has happened over the past 18 months, I am amazed, overjoyed, exhausted, and impressed. Here's a recap...

Boarding Pass:
Josie's frequent flier miles are a little nuts. Maine many times, Baltimore & DC once, Hawaii twice (again next week), Arizona twice, California several times, and then all the places here in the Pacific Northwest. People always comment to me after the flight is over by saying, "Wow, she did REALLY good". I reply, "Thank you, I work really hard to make it enjoyable". As most of you know, travel is our hobby and passion. If we aren't getting out of town every month, then we aren't having any fun.

The wonderful world of words:
In the matter of 3 months, Josie has exponentially exploded her vocabulary. She repeats almost every word we say and is practicing putting the words together. Her most recent sentence is "Mamma, sit chair please" as she points to the chair she wants me to sit in. But to the untrained ear, it sounds like "Mamma, shit hair peas". My favorite word that she says is CHEESE, because she scrunches up her face and says it through a big toothy grin with lots of spit. She can say almost all the character names on Sesame Street and she has a funny habit of pointing to any teenage boy and shouting JACE!

A few of her favorite things:
This little girls LOVEs fun and LOVEs to move her body. Her favorite activities are walking up and down stairs, swimming, digging in the sand, dancing to her favorite song (The Wheels on the Bus), and bouncing on the bed. She gets her kicks from fish and animals, reading books, putting on her own shoes, washing her hands, and helping Daddy with whatever he is doing. She has attached herself to her stuffed Elmo, stuffed Kermit, and a big yellow school bus. She still hates wearing any clothes, including her diaper...but who can blame her for that!

A Day in the Life:
When we aren't traveling, a typical day at home is up around 7 with lots of morning cuddle time. Sesame street and some breakfast. Wash and dressed. Morning activity may be music class, pool, playground, childcare, library storytime or just kickin' it at a coffee shop. A late morning snack, followed by a hearty nap around noon. She wakes up to a post-nap meal, then afternoon activity which is outdoors or a playdate with friends. We return home to have dinner, take a tub, read some books, and finally fall asleep around 8 (me included sometimes). A pretty sweet life for a toddler, if I might say so. I am so happy I don't work, so I can be a part of this.

The next 6 months:
Before Josie's 2nd birthday, she will have gone to Hawaii two more times, Maine again, and California. She will finally get her own bedroom as her big brother heads off to college this summer. She will be able to verbalize what she wants and I imagine she won't need my hands to help her up and down the stairs anymore. Maybe, if we are lucky, she will be potty trained.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

5 weeks of island life

As you all know, our first home is Bingen Washington and our second home is Maui.  This past year, we decided to take our time.  We spent 5 weeks on the island and it was fantastic!  Josie went from being a beginner toddler to an advanced stair-stepper, sand dune climber, surfer jumper, and pool lounger.  Eric had some great days of sailing and surfing.  I loved my mornings on the paddle board and got a killer tan.  Enjoy the slide show and we hope you all can come visit us next winter when we are on the island even longer.  There are soooo many more photos, but I don't want to rub it in that much.