Monday, August 8, 2011

6 week litmus test

(Caution: This post is not funny or cute or upbeat.)

I am bored. On top of my boredom, I am uncomfortable and hot. I have 6 weeks left and am literally counting the minutes. Everything about me is being tested right now. My physical pain threshold, my heat tolerance, my sitting-around patience, my mental anxiety, my self-esteem extinction and my sleep deprivation. I don't know how or why any women would want to do this more than once.

On the bright side, I am working from home full-time now, my husband is around more to help me, my stepson is doing great, and I don't have any swelling.......(yet).

1 comment:

Live Simply Mommy said...

Just wait until you are about 2 weeks out and you start getting phone calls... frequently... "Have you had the baby yet?" "Are you in labor...?" etc... No, I feel like shit and really want this thing out of me... but thanks for checking in to remind me of how miserable I am.