Monday, August 26, 2013

1 week to create and 2 years late

Like all new parents, I was imagining my baby's nursery long before she was born.  All the cute little baby things and decorations.  However, I knew it would never happen.  We didn't have a bedroom for her.  Her big brother was occupying the only other room in the house.  Now, 2 years later, her big brother is off to college and I have an empty room, a blank canvas, and a precocious little girl about to turn TWO!  The wonderful thing about waiting until your child is older, is that I know her personality so well, I know what colors she loves, and what her favorite books are already.  This was ALL about her. 

It took me only one week to prep, paint, floor, and decorate.  I give credit to Eric for installing the carpet.  A few more touches of bookshelves and toy storage and it will be totally complete.  I absolutely LOVED making this room.   I also loved how excited she was to see it transform into her own space.  Josie calls it the "Yay-yo Room".  Today she gets to jump on her bed for the first time.  I will remember this always. 

Here are some before and after shots


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