Saturday, January 12, 2008

My first winter in Oregon

I was warned about the rain here. I was told that Oregon is absolutely amazing and beautiful, "A wonderful way of life!" However, there was always this disclaimer..."get ready for the rain, though", I was often told. So here it is. I think it hasn't stopped raining since October. Every couple of weeks, Mother Nature will brighten ths skies with that ball of fire for about 2 hours. Just enough to keep our faith. My pant legs are constantly soggy, my car smells like a wet dog, and my bath towels don't ever seem to completely dry out.

So now that I am amidst the disclaimer, and my question is "so when does this rain stop?". "Oh, just around the corner come February! Then it's spring and you forget that it ever rained at all".

What keeps me hanging on is that the winter grass is the most brilliant green I have ever seen and that when it's raining here in the Willamette and Columbia Valley of's snowing on top of Mt. Hood.

Gone West.
Love, Isolde.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Oregon. I DON'T love rain. This could pose a problem for my move there. hmm.