Sunday, February 17, 2008

Couldn't you just kick yourself sometimes?

It was a perfect day for some spring snow conditions at the gorgeous Sugarbowl resort, 8000 ft up in the Sierra Nevadas. Eric and I had flown with our boards from Oregon to Northern California. It was a really amazing day. At the end of the day, we snapped this photo and zipped off in our cute little rental full of happiness and exhilaration! We celebrated the drive back to the foothills with our traditional cups of coffee. Discussing the day and what we should make for dinner.

Perhaps the photo should have clued us in. Or perhaps it was the distraction of the cellphone calls that came in just moments before we packed the gear. What's my point, you ask? Well, this photo is the last time you or we will see our snowboards ever again. Just seconds after this picture was taken; I closed my car door, Eric closed the trunk, and he slid into the drivers' seat. We clicked our seatbelts, backed up the car and drove off.......without the snowboards. Yes, that's right people. We left the boards exactly as they are in this photo. Laying on the pavement, next to the car.

It wasn't until the next day, when it was time to catch our flight home, did we realize that we were missing something.

"Honey?...Where are our snowboards?"



Anonymous said...

oh no you didn't?! oh dear lord. it took you so long to pick that one out. good grief. hahaha.

Amanda said...

I don't know you, but I'm from the PNW originally, now relocated to Texas... not so pretty... anyway, I feel your pain. My mom accidentally forgot our video camera once when we were at Crater Lake there in Oregon. She left it, in the carrying case with extra battery and tapes, right next to the car. Not until we had gotten back to our resort did we realize... and we went back, but it was already gone. I got such a bad sinking feeling in my stomach! Too bad!