The best birthday I have ever had. (click on the slideshow for full view)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
35th birthday and 35 reasons why I love him
1His strength
2He holds my hand
3He keeps me healthy
4He pushes me
5He has feelings
6He gets shy
7His sense of adventure
8He is also a middle child
9He loves all music
10He can fix his own car
11He studies waves and stars
12He does laundry
13His tan skin
14He doesn't want to stay up late
15He is humble
16He is a caregiver
17He doesn't like beets
18He wants romance
19He can always make me laugh
20He is a scientist
21He chops wood
22He is a father
23He plays with my hair
24His perfect feet
25His dimples
26His love of my cooking
27His coffee
28His values
29How he cuddles the cats
30His silent sleeping
31His arms
32How he swims
33His love of travel
34His attention to detail
35His 35th birthday present to me...thank you, my love.

2He holds my hand
3He keeps me healthy
4He pushes me
5He has feelings
6He gets shy
7His sense of adventure
8He is also a middle child
9He loves all music
10He can fix his own car
11He studies waves and stars
12He does laundry
13His tan skin
14He doesn't want to stay up late
15He is humble
16He is a caregiver
17He doesn't like beets
18He wants romance
19He can always make me laugh
20He is a scientist
21He chops wood
22He is a father
23He plays with my hair
24His perfect feet
25His dimples
26His love of my cooking
27His coffee
28His values
29How he cuddles the cats
30His silent sleeping
31His arms
32How he swims
33His love of travel
34His attention to detail
35His 35th birthday present to me...thank you, my love.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Schroder home improvement project #826
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Schroders hit Chicago
Last weekend, me and the guys went to Chicago for a wedding. My big brother, Malcolm, got married to an amazing woman, Naoko. Here are a few shots from my camera. Congrats Naoko and Malcolm. What a fantastic wedding!! Kampai!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Going at it Alone
That title is a little misleading, isn't it? So last week, I was on a work trip to a tropical destination. (By the way...I think it's rediculous to expect yourself to be able to focus on work when you are staying in South Beach, Miami, in a hip hotel, across from the beach in 85 degree tropical weather.) My dear friend, Rachel, was planning on joining me for part of my trip so we could have some fun in the sun together. But the poor girl came down with pnuemonia and wasn't able to make it. I was a little dissappointed, but what could we do, right? Sooo...I have never been somebody to let an opportunity pass me by just because I was gonna have to do it alone. HELLO people!!!! I moved across the country by myself, if you recall. It was perfect timing, because another close friend, Michele, was writing a blog on how important it is to take time to be alone and make yourself happy. I have never failed to take care of that business...but I know a lot of mommies that don't. So congrats to everybody who makes time for themselves and enjoys these moments of alone-ness.
As for my alone time in Miami...I ate out in South Beach club, swam in the gorgeous warm ocean, drove a convertible to the Florida keys, rented a sea kayak in Key Largo, drank a beer in Islomarada, bought myself a cute dress, and just soaked it all in. dear...we will have to make another destination date in the near future!

As for my alone time in Miami...I ate out in South Beach club, swam in the gorgeous warm ocean, drove a convertible to the Florida keys, rented a sea kayak in Key Largo, drank a beer in Islomarada, bought myself a cute dress, and just soaked it all in. dear...we will have to make another destination date in the near future!

Saturday, September 18, 2010
The great grape event!
It was a rainy weekend in the Columbia Gorge this weekend and we have these out-of-control concord grape vines growing in our yard. So what's a girl to do on a weekend like this? CAN! This was my first attempt to can (or jar, in this case) anything in my life. So here it first batch of Izzy's Organically Wild Concord Jam. I have to admit that I felt a little like Diane Keaton in the 1987 hit movie, "Baby Boom". Let's hope it sets right and doesn't turn into Grape Sauce.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
ewww...that smell.
How to eradicate the smell of a decaying and stinky rodent in your house? There are a million opinions on the web...but the consensus is....
Wait it out. Gross. Thankfully, it's in the office and not in our bedroom or the kitchen.
Wait it out. Gross. Thankfully, it's in the office and not in our bedroom or the kitchen.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Maine + husband = good
I am numb to Maine. Born and raised. It doesn't help that my job sends me to Maine every 6-8 weeks for work. But last week, I was in Maine with my husband and THAT made all the difference. It was only his 2nd time and seeing it through his eyes was fantastic. Here are some shots. Thanks Mom and Dad for putting up with us!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Checking in
It's been a long time since I blogged. Maybe because summer is zipping by and time in front of my computer is at a minimum. So here's a little update as to the goings' on with this step-mommy, wife, and traveler.
Update number 1: I got Lasik'ed! I am seeing better now than I have my entire life. I have 20/13 vision. Everyday I have to remind myself that this is really happening and that I don't have to take out my contact lenses tonight.

Update number 3: Jace got his braces off and has been working his tail off this summer. He saved lots of money and we are so proud of him. The car shopping has officially begun. Within the next 90 days, my stepson will be the proud owner of his very first car. A late 90's Honda Civic hatchback, of course, with lots of bass, hot wheels and exhaust. (are you rolling your eyes, too?)

Well, I think that's it for now. I gotta go get my paddle-board on for the day. It's a calm day on the Columbia River and almost 100 degrees. Too hot to be on land!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Do I really need another sport?

YES!!! That's right and I am hooked. I love Stand-Up Paddling, also called SUP. I have done the snowboarding, skiing, windsurfing, surfing, mountain biking, and dirt biking. But this is it. It'll probably be the most expensive gear that I will own, but it's totally free after you purchase the board n paddle. I can just picture it and my SUP board cruising around the pacific ocean, from Washington to Hawaii.
For any of you wanting to try it, look for a SUP class near you. Here's what you can do in the gorge.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Bingen to the Beach
We're back from 8 days in Gold Beach, Oregon. A FANTASTIC week of windsurfing contests, cook-outs, camping, hiking, and beach bonfires. I didn't want to leave.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
CSA's and vacation take me away
My first week of my leave was a success. The reading has commenced. I am working on my tennis skills, I have started some home decorating projects, and Vit D intake is where it needs to be. A couple of exciting things happening this week. First, it's the beginning of our CSA season. If you don't know what a CSA's Community Supported Agriculture aka Community Farm Sharing. So every Monday from now until October, we get a box of locally grown organic produce and fruit that was harvested that morning. It's from a delicious local farm called Dancing Moon Farms. I recommend checking into your local farms for your very own CSA. To keep the price down, we are splitting our load with another couple...since each box is enough to feed a family of 4 for the week.
The second exciting thing happening this week, is our annual trip to Gold Beach, OR. I absolutely LOVE this place. I think I have bragged about it in past posts. This year, it won't be such a sleepy little town, since the Wind Bash is back on. I can't wait to hit the road!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
10 years is too long
I was 24 when I started working for my employer. It's so rediculous to think that it's been 10 years since I had any significant time off. Is this what enjoying life is suppose to be like?! I feel like a measly month off for 10 years of service isn't enough time. The company calls it "Personal Growth Leave". I suppose they think that 4 weeks is enough time to work on your personal needs....then you have to forget it all and go back to work. (insert me rolling my eyes). At this point, I don't give a shit. I'll take whatever time they will give me!
So starting tomorrow, I am off the clock for a month. It's my reward for 10 years of dedication to my career. Don't expect me to do anything of significance. Don't bother calling me for any favors or help. Only call me if you want to go have fun. I am shedding all responsibility and going off the grid.
Here's my personal growth list:
Be active
Be outside
Avoid all airplanes and airports
Turn off my blackberry
Hike Dog Mtn
Bike Lewis River
Hike more of the Pacific Coastal Trail
Sunbathe topless on a deserted beach
Comb the beach for shells and rocks
Eat fresh and cook outside
Sleep in a tent with my husband
Take very few showers
Read a book
Have lots of sex and laugh a lot.
So starting tomorrow, I am off the clock for a month. It's my reward for 10 years of dedication to my career. Don't expect me to do anything of significance. Don't bother calling me for any favors or help. Only call me if you want to go have fun. I am shedding all responsibility and going off the grid.
Here's my personal growth list:
Be active
Be outside
Avoid all airplanes and airports
Turn off my blackberry
Hike Dog Mtn
Bike Lewis River
Hike more of the Pacific Coastal Trail
Sunbathe topless on a deserted beach
Comb the beach for shells and rocks
Eat fresh and cook outside
Sleep in a tent with my husband
Take very few showers
Read a book
Have lots of sex and laugh a lot.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Gone West. Love, Sophie?
My sister is moving to Oregon. She arrives next week! This marks the first member of my immediate family to make the coastal switch. It will be really nice to have a piece of my Maine family here. Somebody to have over for the holidays, somebody to go to nothing with, and somebody to check in on. She will be living only an hour from me, so that means she will probably come over on the weekends to do her laundry. Can't wait to have you here, little sister! I really hope you love living here as much as I do. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010
What your fridge says about you
My good friend recently posted her perfect fridge on her blog and I am wondering what my fridge says about me?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April in my backyard
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Unsuspecting Teen get Academic Recognition
Friday, April 2, 2010
Desert for birthday dessert
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Those were the years of the girlfriend
Back in the early 1990's, there was nothing more important than my girlfriends. Those bonds never really happened again for me in college and only happened once as an adult (yes, that's you, Rachel). There are a handful of girls that surprisingly enough, have stayed connected the 15 some odd years since those times. Tabatha, Michele, Kasey, Tiffany, and the internet has reconnected me back to Jen and Megan. Besides the typical marriages, divorces, kids, careers bad hairstyles, and tattoos...we haven't really changed much. My next trip to Maine is in 2 weeks. So I decided to take a little extra time to see some real oldy but goodies. I can't wait to see all my old friends and talk shit about each other!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Travel Log: People Watching Report
Having some travel issues today. Northeast weather cancelled my flight out of Maine with the next flight leaving in 2 days. Uh no, that won't work. So now I am sitting in Boston waiting for the next opportunity to get home. It's going to be a long day. So as I sit and stare at all the people shuffling through the airport, I am drawn to the young couple with 4 kids. 3 boys and 1 girl all under the age of 6 (I am guessing). I don't like this family. Keep in mind that I am travel cranky today. I decided I didn't like this couple when they chose to park their brood in the chairs next to me. Didn't they see ALL the empty rows of seats at all the empty gates? Immediately, they kids start jumping up and down (on the seats) and screaming AIRPLANE AIRPLANE I'M HUNGRY MOMMY DADDY...etc etc. You get the drift. Now don't get me wrong...I like children. But it was apparent that these parents were completely exhausted with these 4 kids, so all consideration for other people had gone by the wayside. To make matters worse, these jumping bean children were hungry, so what does the mom go do? She goes and buys a DOZEN dunkin donuts to feed her family. Great idea, Mom. Let's fill these 4 hyperactive kids with pure deep fried sugar just before you squeeze them onto an airplane for the next few hours. It will be just my luck that these kids will be sitting behing me on the plan kicking the back of my chair.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Sassy Pants
Got a taste of spring last night and the great music that comes through here more often thanks to the folks at Everybodies Brewing.
Sassparilla Jug Band. Really fun!
Sassparilla Jug Band. Really fun!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A California Valentine's Weekend
I am having a hard time staying east coast cynical after the weekend that we had. A special thanks to our friends', Dawn and Eric Olson, for putting us up at their house in Nevada City! Click on the album for a bigger view. Enjoy the photos!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Just another school night...
Homework, dishes, driving lessons, school shopping, stacking wood, dinner, myspacing, drumming practice, 257 text messages and letting me video tape him. Just an average Monday night.
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Schroder Videos |
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I gotta do SOMEthing!
I have decided to not be a statistic. I do NOT want to be the average woman in her 30's who gains 2-3lbs every year. I am also DONE with this adult acne that hit me almost a year ago. My goal is short-term to begin with (90 days), with a longterm commitment. My challenge is going to be my job. My job completely fails to give me a consistent schedule, restful sleep and only tempts me with bad eating choices. I am going to fight back! My weapons of choice: P90X and Philosophy. I am posting it here and now for anybody that is reading. I am 34 years old, 5'1", 147lbs. Let's see what I can do with that!

Sunday, January 31, 2010
The past few days and those to come...
My stepson got his drivers' permit the other day which has strangely changed the dynamic in the house. He has become oddly obliging and eager to please. This really comes at no surprise, since most teenagers (or adults, for that matter) will turn on the charm whenever they want something. So what does he want? He wants to practice driving and he needs my husband to do that. My husband has decided to be the on this right of passage onto his son. I think it's a great idea and something that Jace will remember the rest of his life. There are lots of schools of thought regarding parenting new drivers. Our primary goal is practice time before he's out there on his own. We are hoping that by the time he takes the drivers' test (a year from now), he will be a MUCH more advanced driver than those other teens who have all of 11 minutes of practice. Also, this will buy him some time to save for his own car and his own insurance.
All we have to do in the meantime is tolerate the incessant nagging of..."Can I go drive now?....what about now?....and now?"
All we have to do in the meantime is tolerate the incessant nagging of..."Can I go drive now?....what about now?....and now?"
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Our first formal

Winter formal. What are the rules? Tickets...check. Cool clothes...check. A meeting place for the the 3 couples...check. Corsage?...oops! A quick text message to the date for her dress color...check!! All this in just 4 hours before the dance. Just imagine if my stepson was a stepdaughter. We would have been talking and shopping for this day weeks ago. Ugh and a big oy vey. Winter formal....check!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
This consumer review for Roku
My husband and I are all about trying out new things. This new little entertainment gadget is going to help us save on our entertainment expense. Roku not only allows us to watch our online Netflix queue from the comfort of our sofa, but it has allowed us to cancel all of our Dish movie channels! It's so much fun. I even like the little bubble sound it makes when you navigate through your videos. I can't even tell if there is a lack in visual clarity, because our TV is so old and everything looks like junk! I do wish you could populate several instant queue's at once, though. All of us in the family have our own Netflix accounts. Still...I heart Roku...go buy it.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
2010 Travel logging

As part of this new year, Twenty-Ten, my desire is to keep a better travel log. I want to really pay attention to the destinations I visit and learn the interesting facts, quirks and history. My first stop will be Atlanta, GA next week. I have been there a few times in my life, but that was in my 20's when I was too pre-occupied with myself, shopping and nightlife. All I know so far is that it's the peach state, the airport appreviation is ATL, and wunderground is calling for sunny in the 40's. Anything else I should know before I go? Let's see what I'll learn while I am there!
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