That title is a little misleading, isn't it? So last week, I was on a work trip to a tropical destination. (By the way...I think it's rediculous to expect yourself to be able to focus on work when you are staying in South Beach, Miami, in a hip hotel, across from the beach in 85 degree tropical weather.) My dear friend,
Rachel, was planning on joining me for part of my trip so we could have some fun in the sun together. But the poor girl came down with pnuemonia and wasn't able to make it. I was a little dissappointed, but what could we do, right? Sooo...I have never been somebody to let an opportunity pass me by just because I was gonna have to do it alone. HELLO people!!!! I moved across the country by myself, if you recall. It was perfect timing, because another close friend,
Michele, was writing a blog on how important it is to take time to be alone and make yourself happy. I have never failed to take care of
that business...but I know a lot of mommies that don't. So congrats to everybody who makes time for themselves and enjoys these moments of alone-ness.
As for my alone time in Miami...I ate out in South Beach club, swam in the gorgeous warm ocean, drove a convertible to the Florida keys, rented a sea kayak in Key Largo, drank a beer in Islomarada, bought myself a cute dress, and just soaked it all in. dear...we will have to make another destination date in the near future!

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