Friday, December 23, 2011
One week left and not much holiday spirit
Thanks for raining on my holiday parade, work.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Flying high with the baby
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
loving the leave

Monday, November 7, 2011
The view from the Grandparents window
Meeting Josephine
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A month into it
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Wow....3 weeks

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
One week old
Thursday, October 6, 2011
In love with Josephine Minna
Saturday, September 24, 2011
2 days or 2 weeks?

The question of the minute...Is it time yet?? 2 more days until my predicted due date. I will be 40 weeks. My current days consist of a lot of chilling at the house, reading, stretching, trying to sleep, and catching up on a lot of movies (thanks to the free HBO weekend). A little swimming when I can. I think my next post will be a photo of our new daughter.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Completely lost focus on anything else

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
5 weeks left....but I hope it's more like 4
"Look at you! You look like you are ready to POP!"
"Wow, that's impressive."
"You should be thankful we haven't had a hot summer."
"I can still see your ankles, it can't be that bad."
"You aren't going to go into labor now, are you?"
Monday, August 8, 2011
6 week litmus test
I am bored. On top of my boredom, I am uncomfortable and hot. I have 6 weeks left and am literally counting the minutes. Everything about me is being tested right now. My physical pain threshold, my heat tolerance, my sitting-around patience, my mental anxiety, my self-esteem extinction and my sleep deprivation. I don't know how or why any women would want to do this more than once.
On the bright side, I am working from home full-time now, my husband is around more to help me, my stepson is doing great, and I don't have any swelling.......(yet).
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
T minus 8 weeks

Monday, June 27, 2011
Not happy about the Rainbow Connection

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
So upsetting, it made me kind of sick
Candy (the owner): "Hi Izzy! Look! Another pregnant lady!" As I looked at the young pregnant woman getting her nails done, her obnoxious mother yells across the room: "When are YOU due? My daughter is due is 2 weeks, isn't it great!!!"
Me: "Wow! You are counting the days, huh?" I said to the young pregnant woman. The young pregnant woman just smiled politely. I proceeded to climb into my pedicure chair as I wondered just how young that young woman is. She looked in her young 20's. Her mother sure does seem to be clingy and running the show. Poor girl. I wonder what a young 20something thinks about when they are pregnant?
Me: "So is this your first grandbaby?" I asked the obnoxious mother who doesn't let her pregnant daughter talk.
Obnoxious mother: "Oh no! I have several. She already has a 3 year old at home." A 3 year old, I thought! She is so young! Just how old is this girl? What the hell is wrong with these people. The young pregnant woman continues a conversation with her mother about the plans for her brothers' birthday...he is about to turn 21.
Candy says "Your brother is going to be 21? You should take him out to get a drink, then."
Young pregnant woman: "Oh no, I'm not old enough to do that....I am only 19".
WHAT.....THE....F**K! This is when I got really mad. I was so mad that this young girl had to have been pregnant at 15, in order to have a 3 year old and be pregnant with her SECOND baby! Then I started to get REALLY mad at the mother. How dare she strut around her teenage daughter and brag about her having babies. That poor poor girl. She was brainwashed. Then I started getting mad at all the breeder-types like that girl and her mother...and the taxes I have to pay to support their litter of children...and tolerate their rediculous "faith"...and the republican people that try to run this country. It was so upsetting, that I was making myself sick. Ech..what a waste. All I wanted was to sit in my favorite massage chair and get my feet pampered.
Monday, June 6, 2011
23ish weeks...or am I 24 weeks?
Friday, June 3, 2011
Opt Out
I have to back-up just a bit. Let me tell you that ever since airports started introducing these new scanners, I have been Opting-Out. It may not seem like a big deal to the average traveler, but this freqent flier goes through airport security at least 6 times every month. So being a woman, who was trying to get pregnant mind you, was not thrilled about the idea of getting exposed to all that radiation, no matter how low risk the scanners claim to be.
Not all airports have purchased these scanners, including my homebase and favorite airport, I haven't had to have that dreaded confrontation with TSA on my regular departures. I can't say the same for the rest of the country. I have had some interesting experiences that I'd like to share with you:
Chicago O'Hare International IL
Me: Excuse me, sir? I'd like to avoid the imaging system. Do I have another option?
TSA agent: Are you opting out?
Me: yes, please.
Me: (mortified and embarassed...why is he making such a scene?!)
George Bush Airport Houston TX
Me: Excuse me, ma'am. I'm pregnant, I'd like to pass on the X-ray scan, if that's ok?
Female TSA Agent: (gets in my face angrily) Ma'am, please step out of line and over here. Let me tell you something. You are NOT allowed to speak to me unless I ask you a question! I am here to do a job for your safety and unless I am specifically talking to you, then you are NOT allowed to approach me...(she continues to carry on with her military power trip) lastly, MISS, I am just going to pretend that this here conversation never happened, so I am not forced to to make this anymore difficult than it needs to be. Please step through the metal detector and be on your way.
Me: (WTF?!!...I hate Texas)
Sacramento International Aiport CA
Me: Excuse me, sir? I'm pregnant...I don't think I am allowed to go through that x-ray scanner.
TSA Agent: Of course! Stay right here, let me get somebody to help you. Are you ok with a patdown? Let me get a female officer to assist you.
Me: Sure, thank you.
Female TSA Agent: Hi! My name is (insert whatever name) and I will be doing your screening. So you are pregnant! Are there any sore areas that I should be careful of?
Me: Nope, I am good. Go right ahead.
Female TSA Agent: I have a couple new girls in training, would you mind if I had them come observe? Are you running late or anything?
Me: I don't mind.
Now 3 female TSA Agents: When is your baby due? Congrats! What are you having? is this your first? Can I touch your belly? (more ooo'ing and aw'ing)...other random TSA agents stop by to congratulate me.
Denver International Aiport CO (It's crazy busy and the TSA lady directing the line looks pissed and she scares me).
Me:(Not wanting another Texas encounter) Excuse me, sir...may I ask you a question, please? I am pregnant, how do I tell the TSA woman that I can't go through the digital scanner?
Nice looking TSA Agent: (Leans down and whispers to me) Just between me and you, she's selecting people at random. Don't bring it up unless she picks you. That way you can just do the metal detector instead of the full patdown.
Me: Ok, thanks!
Pissed-off looking female TSA Agent: Ma'am, step this way (into the digital scanner time capsule).
Me: (pointing to my big belly and trying to not to shout, since she is 15 ft away) I'm pregnant..
Female TSA Agent: (interupts before I can finish)...Step over here, please. Let me get a female assist for you, it may be a few minutes, sorry about that.
Me: That's ok! Thank you! (phew)
New female TSA Agent: So when are you due? What are you having? Is this your first? Oh, I think I felt her kick! You have such pretty hair!
Original nice looking TSA Agent: Looks like she picked you, anyway. Sorry about that. We tried, didn't we?! Congrats on your baby!
In summary...there really isn't any way to tell what is going to happen when you opt out.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
How should I know?
- something for the baby to sleep on and some sheets
- some sort of pad to change the baby on.
- breast pump and a good nursing bra
- rocking chair
- all the fixins' for my cloth diaper delivery
- swaddling blankets
- some clothes would be a good idea
- a sink tub
- an ergobaby carrier
- a lightweight car seat that relocates well
- bottles and pacifiers
So from what I can see, most of these things can fit into a dresser and on a shelf...with the exception of the rocking chair, carseat and baby bed, of course.
PS...This book isn't helping me at ALL. Too much STUFF. I want a book called "Raising babies is small spaces. All you really need." This is going to be very important considering this little girl won't even have her own bedroom until she is 2.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
For my crafty friends

Monday, May 16, 2011
Had to laugh
In my head- "Nope, I'm pretty sure I am 100% pregnant."
I was in market taste testing some soup to determine which one I would bring home. I made my choice and moved on with my shopping. I finally looked down and saw that each flavor of soup was represented on my belly. Have I always been such a messy eater but never knew because my droppings would just land on the floor? My clothes don't have a chance for the next few months.
Woman at the lumber store- "When is your baby due? (before waiting for an answer) When I was pregnant I gained 75 lbs and went 3 weeks late. I just loved being pregnant that I didn't care."
In my head - "Holy shit, lady."
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Morp King & Queen
Friday, April 29, 2011
Pre babymoon vacation
Friday, April 15, 2011
15 wks
Monday, April 11, 2011
Pit stop

Monday, April 4, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
A family fun weekend
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Unsolicited advice and comments
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What did he do THIS time?!
This month's teenage stress and anxiety has resulted in the following crimes: bringing and using drugs in our house, driving under the influence, and speeding with a restricted license with 4 teenage girls in the car (one without a seatbelt). Oh, and I forgot to mention that the none of the girls in the car are covered under insurance. I bet their parents would have LOVED knowing that. But you know what? I bet their parents have no idea where their daughters are.
It's amazing how fantastic a teenager can be for birth control. For any of you considering having children, I strongly suggest that you have a teenager stay with you for a few months to help with the decision. My poor unborn child is going to be born with an ulcer.
Friday, March 18, 2011
The cat is out of the bag.....FINALLY!

Thursday, March 10, 2011
It sure doesn't FEEL like it

Saturday, March 5, 2011
I don't bake
My Vegan Chocolate Cake (or cupcakes, if I feel like it). I like my chocolate vegan, because I think chocolate tastes better without all that animal fat. Besides, who wants to lick the bowl when it's all raw eggs and butter? yuck. I have done this recipe with organic products, but the difference in price doesn't seem to satisfy any mental blockage I have about eating cake in the afternoon.
1 1/4 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup warm water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp distilled white vinegar
I mix all the dry stuff together, then add the wet stuff. Put it in an 8x8 glass pan, Cook it at 350 for 30min and that's it! The creative part is my frosting. Sometimes it's just powdered sugar, sometimes it's nothing, but today is was PB frosting. I don't have a recipe for it, though. I just start mixing PB, powdered sugar, vanilla, and soy milk together until I get something yummy and spreadable. The cake in the oven right now...I'll take a pic when it's all finished.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The apple doesn't fall far
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Soccer Mom

Saturday, February 26, 2011
My new faves
Roku for starters. I mean...that little box is amazing. Jace can watch unlimited episodes of Family Guy, I can watch all the weird indie-films I love, and Eric can watch his old school westerns and surf movies.
Real Simple Magazine. This cute magazing always gets my nesting juices going.
Pandora Quick Mix. We downloaded the Pandora player which streams the music much faster and in CD quality. We always have it on. I also have it on my BB to entertain me during long waits at airports or for some hiking mojo.
Go-Gurt. This one is for Jace. What a fantastic teen snack. He eats a box every few days. Since it's frozen, it takes him twice as long to eat it. And since his goal is to consume as much food in 15min as possible, this snack keeps the refridgerator fuller a little longer.
My apple slicer. Love this fruit...but sometimes I just want perfectly symmetrical slices. Oh, I also have the mango slicer, but that gadget leaves behind too much fruit. I am a master as mango slicing anyway.
My 2 can't live without makeup products by Benefit. Confessions of a Concealaholic and Dallas.
My new Sirius Sportster deck for my car. I programmed it with my favorite artists, so it alerts me whenever they are playing on other channels, so I won't miss out. Way cool.
Scunci no-slip hairbands. My mop puts these to the test day in and out. I finally can really get the hair out of my eyes.
My weekend yin/yang yoga class. I look forward to these 2 hrs every week. All my other activities are jealous.
This one is an oldy, but it's one of my all time goodies. My Philosophy skincare products I have used for years! On a Clear Day keeps my adult-o-acne down and Everyday Hope keeps me looking in my early 30s.
I realize that this list is rather superficial and uninteresting to most. That's why they are MY favorite things!
It came back.
Well, since I locked in the house to stay warm. There's no better time to do our taxes and plan our next vacation.
Monday, January 17, 2011
January entry of StepMothers Milk: Kind of annoyed
Ok. I am done venting. This is very good training for an infant one day. I am sure I will look back one day and think about how nice it was to have an engaged teenager in our house.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Way back in 2010
2010 was nuts and I can't believe all that it encompassed. There were so many difficult times and so many wonderful times that I need to write this down so I don't forget. Let's start with the difficult times. My stepson had probably the most emotionally struggling year of his life which created some of the biggest fights, unmeasurable stress, worry, tears shed at home. This really tested the strength of my new marriage. But we stuck together as a family and rode out the storm. We finally have entered the light at the end of his dark tunnel with hope for his future and well-being.
Ok, enough of the bad stuff. The incredible stuff was this....
- I began a new position at my company and celebrated 10 years of employment with 9 weeks of vacation time.
- My husband built our new bedroom and I got to decorate!
- My sister moved an hour from me.
- I fell in love with my new sport, SUP.
- I paid off my car.
- I got hooked on acupuncture and Yin yoga.
- I watched my brother get married.
- I lost weight, gained weight, lost weight again.
- I tried to start a new family (sorry Jace).
- I become an advanced pilates student.
- I saw old friends and made new ones.
- I celebrated a milestone birthday.
- And finally there was all the TRAVEL!!! I went to Georgia 2 times, Virginia, Texas 3 times, California 4 times, Canada 2 times, Idaho, Arizona 2 times, Colorado, Maine like 6 times, Florida, Massachusetts, Illinois 2 times, Hawaii, and Mexico. Yes, I have rediculous amounts of frequent flier miles (which would be useless if my husband wasn't also in love with travelling....I suppose the first class cabin helps, right Eric?).
I am curious to what 2011 will be like.