My wonderful husband is just about finished with the rebuild of our old bedroom. I wish I could say that this was the new nursery, but let's be realistic. It's actually the laundryroom/guestroom/office/nursery. It'll be finished just in time to start getting stuff for baby. There are 2 problems with this situation. First of all, we hate "stuff" and clutter. If we don't use it, we don't want it. My mother was always a person to hang on to things "just incase you ever needed it". That is one trait that didn't rub off on me. My house is teeny...we are talking 700 sq ft and we do not have room for any more stuff! As you can imagine, this creates an issue for me to actual buying anything or ask for this dreaded "stuff" at my baby shower. Second of all, I have NO idea what I will actually use once this baby comes. How the hell am I suppose to know if I will need all the rediculous things that consumer america tells me I should have. So far, my list is pretty short for a newborn. If anybody is reading this, I'd love to know what you couldn't live without for your newborns!
- something for the baby to sleep on and some sheets
- some sort of pad to change the baby on.
- breast pump and a good nursing bra
- rocking chair
- all the fixins' for my cloth diaper delivery
- swaddling blankets
- some clothes would be a good idea
- a sink tub
- an ergobaby carrier
- a lightweight car seat that relocates well
- bottles and pacifiers
So from what I can see, most of these things can fit into a dresser and on a shelf...with the exception of the rocking chair, carseat and baby bed, of course.
PS...This book isn't helping me at ALL. Too much STUFF. I want a book called "Raising babies is small spaces. All you really need." This is going to be very important considering this little girl won't even have her own bedroom until she is 2. 
read this:
also, when i was expecting, i sent an email to all the moms i knew asking what the top 5 baby items were they could not live without. you'll get varied responses, but there will be enough similarities that you'll get an idea of what to focus on.
just keep thinking multi-purpose - how can the baby use each item as she grows?
You can now get smaller, or "travel" versions of a lot of equipment that folds down or only takes up a little space. We have a small house as well and got a travel swing that folds flat and is as small as a bouncy seat, a bouncy seat that fold flat, and a compact crib.
Don't waste space with a bassinet when baby will only sleep in it for a month, just use the crib right off. Easier to not have to transition them anyway.
Changing tables are useless. Just put a pad on top of a dresser, or use the floor.
Compact stroller that will fit (and store) in your trunk. You'll always need a stroller at some point.
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