Sunday, March 27, 2011

Unsolicited advice and comments

A good friend (and an experienced mother) of mine wrote this me when she learned I was pregnant: "There is something called 'mompetition' and mommy guilt that you will soon learn about.... and it sucks! If someone wants to tell you that they birthed drugless, breast fed until the kids was 2, never let kid watch tv, never have sugar... blah blah blah... they are totally lying! Do whatever works for you because you are going to raise the greatest baby ever.... So, when people are trying to offer unsolicited, unnecessary, advice that you just don't feel you need, say thanks and move on." Aww..I love this lady, because she is so true. I couldn't help but chuckle, because I am already experiencing it and my husband was a victim of this when he was trying to raise his son.

Don't get me wrong, I definately will listen to your advice and take it into careful consideration. Be warned though, that I may be secretly rolling my eyes and I could publish these comments because they are too good to keep to myself.

Comment #1, "It doesn't really look like your showing, just more like you are getting fat."

Comment #2, "Only 1 kid?! Don't be silly, you have to have at least 2 kids."

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